3 Fun Date Night Ideas For Enjoying Your New Area After Your Residential Move

When you make a household move to a new town, it can be fun to use date night as an opportunity to get to know your new area. Consider stepping outside of your usual date night box so that you can bond with your significant other while getting acquainted with your new location. Here are a few fun date night ideas that you can use to find out more about your new community.

Try A Progressive Dinner

Trying new restaurants can be one of the most exciting parts of getting to know your new area, but there’s no need to limit yourself to one option for date night. A progressive dinner allows you to drive through your neighborhood while learning about new potential favorite eateries. Start at one restaurant for an appetizer (or two!). Pay the bill, take a drive to a new restaurant for your main course, then wrap up your evening by stopping at the third restaurant for dessert.

Are there more restaurants you want to try? Stop by one more place for a takeout dessert to enjoy at home the next day. Try to choose restaurants that are a decent drive from one another, allowing you to drive around with your significant other and explore your new town. You won’t just have a great experience with your significant other—you’ll also have some fun talking points for chatting with your new neighbors.

Hit Up A Community Event

You’ll need to do a little bit of research to learn more about what events get people in your neighborhood out and about. Whether you decide to go to a community concert, a festival, or a live music night at a local brewery, choosing a community event for date night gives you a chance to get to know your neighbors. Before your community event, make a goal of meeting a few new people—and getting their contact information so that you can begin to grow your network in your new home.

Get Outdoors

If weather permits, exploring your new neighborhood on foot can be the perfect way to connect with your significant another while also getting to know your new area. Having a picnic in a local park or another natural area can be a fun way to enjoy all that your community has available. If you don’t feel like cooking — enjoy takeout from a new restaurant while you lounge and discuss your day with your significant other. After dinner, take a stroll on a local trail or through the downtown area. If your community has options like hiking, boating, or walking along a waterfront, be sure to take some time to explore.

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