Packing an Essentials Kit When Moving with an Autistic Child

A residential move can be a challenging experience, especially for families with autistic children. The disruption in routine, unfamiliarity of the experience, and commotion can be intimidating to a child with autism and may lead to some uncomfortable situations. To help ensure a smooth transition, consider packing an essentials kit specifically tailored to your child’s needs. Look at a few items to include in the moving essentials kit for your autistic child.

1. Comfort Items

Around 70 percent of children find comfort in certain items. However, for a child with autism, the affinity for a specific toy or object can be even more profound than usual. The item could be anything from a particular toy or teddy bear to a simple object. If your child has certain comfort items they insist on keeping with them all the time, be sure this item is not accidentally packed up with their other belongings.

2. Communication Tools

Does your child use specific tools for communication? Visual boards or a Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) are examples of items some autistic children use to communicate, and these items can naturally be essential to have on hand during times of distress. Therefore, keep them with the essentials kit during the move.

3. Noise Canceling Headphones

Moving can get noisy. You may be dealing with movers packing heavy furniture throughout the house, cleaning equipment in use, and other unexpected noises. If your child is sensitive to noise, have a good pair of noise-canceling headphones or earbuds in the essentials kit. Keeping child-sized earplugs on hand for an emergency may be helpful.

4. Visual Storybook About the Transition

A visual storybook can be especially helpful for an autistic child who may struggle to understand what is happening in their home environment. To help your child through the process, buy or create a visual storybook showing the steps during the move. If your child becomes upset about something occurring, pull out the book and give them a visual explanation.

5. Familiar Bedding

Ideally, you can first focus on setting up the child’s bedroom in the new house. This will give them a safe space with familiar surroundings and objects where they can relax despite the new surroundings. One of the most critical spots to make familiar is the bed. Therefore, you will want to go ahead and get the bed ready with familiar bedding as soon as possible, so be sure those items are accessible.

6. Health Essentials

Does your child need certain medications or health aids? Take note of everything they must have or could need during the transition, and tuck those items into your essentials kit.

7. First-Aid Kit

With all the commotion, accidents and minor injuries are possible. Additionally, some autistic children can be a little more prone to accidents due to sensory processing issues and a tendency to portray repetitive movements. Therefore, keep a first aid kit on hand just in case something happens.

Find Support for Your Residential Move

If you need support during your move, work with a good team of professional movers to help you through. Contact our team today to get a moving quote and get started.