Kids Sharing a Room? How to Make it More Accommodating

Are you planning to relocate with kids? Ideally, your children would have their own rooms to avoid conflict and disagreements in your new home, but that’s not always possible. Sometimes kids need to share their bedroom space.

Fortunately, this arrangement doesn’t have to lead to conflict. On the contrary, a shared bedroom can be a positive and uplifting space for everyone involved with a few creative ideas. Here are some of our top ideas to make the room more accommodating.

Allow for Some Privacy

As your kids get older, they need personal space. So even if you’re working in a confined area, you should try to accommodate privacy. There are a few ways to do this, such as:

  • Room Dividers – Use folding partitions to allow each child to have their own space.
  • Enclosed Areas – In a shared bedroom, furniture can serve multiple purposes. For example, you can use bookshelves, desks, and even bunk beds to create private spaces for your little ones.

Use Vertical Space

You want to have some open areas on the floor for your kids to walk and move around. So, instead of buying furniture that extends outward, look for pieces that go up. Examples can include:

  • Bunk Beds
  • Hanging Compartments
  • Wall Shelves

If your children are young, they likely won’t be able to reach very h; you might have to get creative for items on elevated surfaces. For example, you can keep a stepladder in the room or use a bunk bed’s height to your advantage.

Maximize Your Storage Potential

Fortunately, many children’s furniture options come with built-in drawers and cabinets. For example, you can buy headboards with shelves attached or purchase bunk beds with drawers or a mini closet.

As a rule, every piece you buy should contain some kind of storage compartment. Another example could be to use ottomans to act as seating and storage bins for toys and other items.

Consider Your Child’s Needs

Young kids want to play all the time, but they may not want to do so in their bedroom. Teenagers, however, often prefer privacy and time alone, so they’ll be in the room more often.

You should also ask your children what they want in their room. While there will have to be some compromise, getting input can help make the situation less stressful. In addition, when your kids feel like they have a say, they’re more willing to participate.

Get Moving Help

Setting up a child’s bedroom can be a lot of work, so it pays to have professional help. We can make the transition as smooth as possible. Contact us today to learn more about our moving options and how we can help your family.