How to Keep Your Employees Productive During an Office Relocation

If your office is relocating, you may have concerns about the potential impact on your team’s productivity in the weeks and days leading up to the move. The good news? With preparation and planning, you can keep your employees productive and focused during an office relocation.

Talk to Your Team in Advance

As soon as you know about the move, set aside some time to meet with your team (or teams, depending on the size of the operation). Discuss some of the challenges that you anticipate employees may face with the relocation and ask for specific feedback from team members about how you may overcome these obstacles.

Likewise, ask your employees to address any other potential challenges you may not have considered so you can formulate a game plan to make it easier for your employees to do their jobs.

Create a Detailed Timeline

Create a timeline that outlines key milestones leading up to the move, such as when packing should begin, deadlines for notifying clients, and when the actual move will occur. A clear timeline can help employees stay organized and focused on their tasks.

Designate Moving Champions

Appoint a few employees as “moving champions” to act as points of contact for questions and concerns related to the relocation. These champions can also help coordinate logistics and communicate updates to the team.

Offer Flexible Work Options

Explore offering flexible work options, such as remote work or adjusted hours, during the transition period. This flexibility can reduce moving stress and help employees balance work and personal life.

Provide Stress Management Resources

Include suggestions for resources or activities to help employees manage stress during relocation. This could include offering access to meditation apps, organizing team yoga sessions, or providing tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance during times of change.

Experiment With Morale Boosters

When you are actively packing up the office, and a lot is going on, keeping employees focused on doing their jobs may take work. This is where having a plan to maintain morale and productivity can make all the difference.

You might consider, for example, bringing in a food truck to show your appreciation for your employees. This can be an excellent way to get them outside of the chaos of the office while improving job satisfaction, which can help them return more motivated and focused.

Celebrate Milestones

Celebrate the milestones throughout the relocation process to recognize your team’s hard work and dedication. Whether reaching a packing goal or completing a phase of the move, acknowledging these achievements can boost morale and motivation.

Follow Up After the Move

Follow up with employees after the move to address any lingering concerns and gather feedback for future relocations. This demonstrates that their well-being and feedback are valued, fostering open communication and continuous improvement.

Office Relocation

Keep productivity at your business from slipping before an upcoming relocation. By proactively addressing moving concerns and ensuring you have the right team of professionals ready to assist you, it is possible to keep your office running efficiently until the day of the move.

Contact us today to request your free quote and learn more about what we can do for your business.