7 Ways to Make Friends With Your New Neighbors

Moving to a new neighborhood might feel intimidating, like going to a new school. To help make friends with your new neighbors, it helps to be proactive. Consider the following initiatives you can take to develop good relationships with the members of your neighborhood after a residential move.

1. Make Eye Contact and Say Hello

It can be tempting to look down as you’re carrying boxes or groceries from your car, but if you see a neighbor, put down what you’re doing, make eye contact, and say hello, even if briefly. First impressions matter a lot. Show your new neighbors you’re friendly.

2. Initiate Small Talk

Friendships don’t happen overnight; they need time to grow. To plant the seeds for meaningful relationships, make an effort to initiate small talk with your neighbors. If you have kids or pets in common, this is an excellent topic to start with. Other things you can discuss include gardens, outdoor décor, cars, or other items you might have something in common. If all else fails, you can talk about the weather.

3. Ask for Advice

This aligns with small talk but kicks it up a level. People love to help others. If you get to talking with a neighbor, ask for advice. It can be about local events, gardening (compliment their efforts!), schools, gyms, restaurants, or shopping places. Asking for advice or suggestions is also a great icebreaker – and you just might learn something new about your community that will open the door to meeting more people.

4. Spend Time Outdoors

It isn’t easy to make friends if you spend most of your time inside. Set aside time each day (or at least each week) to be outside. Do some gardening, do outdoor maintenance, and go for walks. If you have a dog, go for active walks around your neighborhood instead of letting Fido out in the backyard. You might meet neighbors walking their furry friends too.

5. Host a Gathering

Hosting a gathering is a great way to get to know all your neighbors. It also shows how you want to be an active member of your neighborhood. Once you’ve unpacked and set up your new home, stop by your neighbors and invite them to your event. You can host a gathering in the form of a housewarming party, dinner, drinks, trivia/game night party, or a good old-fashioned backyard BBQ party.

6. Ask Neighbors Over for Coffee

Hosting a gathering may be too intimidating or stressful for you. If so, try starting small. Instead, invite one or two neighbors over for coffee (or lunch). Get to know your neighbors one at a time in smaller gatherings.

7. Explore Your Community

An excellent way to meet people is to spend time in shared spaces. Are there any benches, parks, gazebos, or other common areas in your community? If so, spend some time there with a coffee or a book. Many people will often stop and have a conversation, which can lead to budding friendships. Even if you don’t make close friendships, it’s a great way to be neighborly and be familiar with the people you live among.

Moving Made Easy

Moving to a new neighborhood where nothing is familiar is hard. Making acquaintances that lead to friendships takes time, but by being proactive, it can happen much more quickly. Other ways to meet people include checking out local Facebook groups/events, churches, clubs/gyms, and different types of memberships.

Are you planning your move? Contact us today for a free quote!